Coastal Habitat of Southern California
Coastal Plants
- Asphodel, Hollow-stem
- Baccharis, 2 Species (:00)
- Bladderpod
- Bower, Virgin's
- Buckwheat, California
- Buckwheat, Foothill
- Bugler, Scarlet
- Buttercup, Bermuda
- Blue Curls, Mountain and Woolly
- Grass, Blue-eyed
- Bush Rue Spice Bush
- Cactus, Coastal Prickly Pear
- Cactus, Fish-hook
- Castor-bean
- Chamise
- Chia
- Chinese Houses
- Chrysanthemum, Crown
- Comparing Scrub and Chaparral Habitats
- Conifer Series Introduction
- Cucumber, Wild
- Cypress, Tecate-Goldilocks Ecology
- Daisy, Emory Rock
- Deer Grass
- Deerweed
- Dodder
- Dove Weed
- Dudleya, Chalk-leaf
- Elderberry, Mexican
- Ephedra
- Evening Primrose, Water
- Fennel, Sweet
- Fern, Mosquito
- Ferns, Three on a Mountain
- Fiesta-flower, White
- Forget-me-nots, Two
- Goldenbush, Coast
- Gooseberry, Fuchsia-flowered
- Gourd, Stinking
- Grass, Blue-eyed
- Gumweed, Maritime
- Hemlock, Poison
- Indian Pink
- Jimson-weed
- Jojoba
- Kelp Forest Ecosystem Story Series
- Lemonade Berry
- Lettuce, Miner's
- Lily, Weed’s Mariposa
- Locoweed
- Mallow, Bush
- Manzanita, Mission
- Manzanita, Mission -Saplings and Seedlings
- Milkmaid
- Mistletoe, Sycamore
- Monkey Flower
- Morning Glory
- Mountain Mahogany, Birch-Leaf
- Mushroom, Turkey Tail Polypore
- Mustard, Black
- Mustard, Oriental
- Oak, Coast Live
- Onion, Wild
- Paintbrush, Woolly Indian
- Pearly Everlasting
- Pepper Grass
- Phacelia, Caterpillar
- Pimpernel, Scarlet
- Pine, Monterey
- Pine, Torrey
- Poison Oak
- Poppy, Bush
- Poppy, California
- Poppy, Matilija
- Radish, Wild
- Ragweed, Western
- Sage, Black
- Sage, White
- Sage Brush, California
- Sea Dahlia (:00)
- Sea Rocket (:00)
- Stinkwort
- Sunflower, California Bush
- Sunflower, Comparing Bush Sunflowers
- Sycamore
- Tamarisk (Salt Cedar)
- Tarweeds, Two Coastal
- Telegraph Weed
- Thistle, California
- Thistle, Prickly Russian (Tumbleweed)
- Toyon
- Tree Tobacco
- Twiggy Wreath-plant
- Watercress
- Whispering Bells
- Yarrow, Golden & Bernadino Blues
- Yerba Santa, Thick-leaf
- Yucca, Chaparral
- Yucca, Mojave
Coastal Birds
- Avocet, American (:31)
- Blackbird, Brewer's
- Blackbird, Red-winged
- Bluebird, Western
- Brant (:54)
- Bufflehead (:35)
- Coot, American (:27)
- Cormorant, Double-Crested (:49)
- Crow, American
- Curlew, Long-billed (:38)
- Dove, Mourning
- Duck, Mallard (:34)
- Duck, Northern Pintail
- Duck, Wood
- Dunlin
- Egret, Great (:29)
- Egret, Snowy (:30)
- Falcon, Peregrine
- Finch, House
- Gadwall (:33)
- Godwit, Marbled (:45)
- Goldfinch, Lesser
- Grackle, Great-tailed
- Grebe, Eared (:36)
- Grebe, Pied-Billed (:34)
- Grosbeak, Black-headed
- Gull, California (:30)
- Gull, Heermann's (:22)
- Gull, Ring-billed
- Gull, Western (:49)
- Hawk, Red-tailed
- Heron, Great Blue (:29)
- Heron, Little Blue (1:11)
- Hummingbird, Anna's (3:34)
- Hummingbird, Black-chinned
- Hummingbird, Selasphorus
- Junco, Dark-Eyed
- Kestrel, American
- Kingbird, Cassin's
- Godwit, Marbled (:45)
- Meadowlark, Western
- Mockingbird
- Owl, Long-eared
- Oystercatcher, Black
- Pelican, Brown (:37)
- Phainopepla
- Plover, Black-bellied (:32)
- Plover, Semi-palmated (:27)
- Quail, California
- Rail, Clapper
- Roadrunner
- Sanderling (:25)
- Scaup, Lesser (:38)
- Shoveler, Northern (:31)
- Skimmer, Black (:37)
- Sparrow, Belding's Savannah
- Sparrow, Gold-crowned
- Sparrow, Rufous-crowned
- Sparrow, Song
- Sparrow, White-crowned
- Stilt, Black-necked (:46)
- Swallow, Barn
- Swallow, Northern Cliff
- Teal, Green-winged (:38)
- Tern, Elegant (:26)
- Tern, Royal
- Towhee, California
- Turnstone, Black (:30)
- Turnstone, Ruddy (:58)
- Vulture, Turkey
- Whimbrel (:41)
- Widgeon, American (:27)
- Willet
- Wren, House
Coastal Animals & Sea Life
- Ant, Argentine
- Ant, Foraging Black Ants
- Bee Gathering Pollen
- Beetle, Powderpost
- Beetle, Prionus
- Bobcat
- Bug, Bee Assassin
- Bug, Cactus
- Bug, Cochineal
- Bug, Cone Nose Kissing
- Bug, Spittle
- Butterfly, Anise Swallowtail
- Butterfly, Fiery Skipper
- Butterfly, Monarch
- Butterfly, Mourning Cloak
- Butterfly, Painted Lady
- Butterfly, Pygmy Blue
- Butterfly, Red Admiral
- Cottony Cushion Scale
- Coyote
- Crab, California Fiddler
- Crayfish
- Cricket, Jerusalem
- Deer, California Mule Deer
- Dolphin, Common Dolphin
- Dragonfly, Cardinal Meadowhawk
- Fly, Green-eyed
- Frog, American Bullfrog
- Frog, Pacific Tree Frog
- Gopher, Pocket
- Grunion ~ The Grunion Story
- Grunion ~ The Grunion Run
- Grunion ~ From Egg to Hatch
- Lizard, Coast Horned
- Lizard, Common Side-blotched
- Lizard, Southern California Alligator
- Lizard, Western Fence
- Lizard, Western Fence - Baby
- Moth, White-line Sphinx
- Moth, White-line Sphinx Caterpillar
- Mouse, White-footed
- Opossum
- Praying Mantis
- Rabbit, Audubon Cottontail
- Raccoon
- Rattlesnake, Pacific Coast
- Rattlesnake, Speckled
- Sea Otter
- Seal, Elephant Seal
- (The) Snail Tale
- Snake, California King Snake
- Snake, Gopher Snake
- Spider, Black Widow - in the field
- Spider, Black Widow - in the lab
- Spider, Common Jumping Spider
- Spider, Daddy-Long-Legs
- Spider, Dimorphic Jumping Spider
- Spider, Trapdoor
- Spider, Trash Web
- Starfish, Bat Star
- Squirrel, California Ground
- Toad, Spadefoot Toad
- Walkingstick, Western Short-horned
- Wasp, Mud Dauber
- Wasp, Paper Wasp
- Wasp, Tarantula Hawk
- Wasp, Yellow Jacket
- Water Midge
- Willow Gall
Coastal Geology